Walking in Rhythm
September 11, 2014
Two Knuckleheads
September 26, 2014
From the series, “Living with the Power of the Holy Spirit”
I was watching college football over the weekend and marveled at the power that momentum generates. It’s true in all sports, isn’t it? One team is playing lethargically, no real energy and enthusiasm, but then something happens: a long touchdown, an interception, a dunk, or three point play, and the energy level shifts and explodes.
Suddenly the team is playing with a new strength and purpose, a new energy and confidence. They can beat anybody. They can’t be stopped. They’re suddenly on fire! What happened? Did they call a time-out and all drink 5 Hour energy/ steroid concoctions?
No, but something happened. The team is different. And not just emotionally or psychologically, they are physically different: stronger, faster, quicker, jumping higher and seemingly tireless. They haven’t added any physical element from the outside, but a new, very real physical element is operating inside, that is for sure.
It can be like this when we shift from our power to the power of the Holy Spirit within us. We don’t ingest a magic potion. We don’t change physically, yet, oh yes we do. We absolutely do. Our energy, our clarity and our creativity all expand to new levels.
You can have this power. Jesus promised you, no, he guaranteed you could and would have it. With his parting words Jesus plainly stated, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you …” (Acts 1:8)
Notice he said, “you will,” not, “you might.” Jesus, together with all the writers of the New Testament, promised a new power, a new life, a new you. Are you living with this new power?
Francis Chan talks about having the world’s strongest man in his congregation. This man can bench press over 1000 pounds and his wife can bench press over 400! “How crazy would it be,” Chan chuckles, “if this huge and brawny, powered up couple had scrawny little weak kids?”
We have a Heavenly Father, El Shaddai God Almighty, capable of creating galaxies with a word; we have a Savior who can raise people from the dead and send evil demons shrieking in terror with a nod; and we have a Holy Spirit indwelling us who makes all this happen. And yet we’re muddling along with these weak, scrawny, C- lives?
We go to church, get our bulletins, sing a few hymns, hear a “talk,” then it’s back to our busy and burdened lives, hurried and harried, distracted and discouraged.
No more! Today I encourage you, I challenge you, I plead with you – whatever it takes to motivate you – to call on this Power inside you. Let today be the first day of the rest of your A+ Life, filled to the point of overflowing with Power: energy, clarity and creativity.
How to start? Just ask. Simply talk to Jesus about helping you. No one can give you a formula and certainly not a model prayer chant. This isn’t a séance. But so often with our loving Heavenly Father all we have to do is just want it. He’ll help you with the heavy lifting.
Two great Christian thinkers have this to say about this process:
“God is not working toward a particular finish – His purpose is the process itself. What people call preparation God sees as the goal itself.” (Oswald Chambers1)
“Very often what God first helps us towards is not the virtue itself but the power of always trying again. For however important any virtue may be, this process trains us in habits of the soul which are more important still.” (C.S.Lewis2)
Living with the power of the Holy Spirit is a process. It starts with you wanting it, then asking for it, then believing in it. And then expecting it. Wanting and asking, and sometimes – don’t miss this: just asking to want to want it. Even if you are like me and have to ask as the dad in Mark 9 did, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
- My Utmost For His Highest July 28
- Mere Christianity