Jesus’ Course Correction: The Narrow Gate
April 26, 2018
The Reward of Adversity and Trials
May 10, 2018
We’ve all been watching a sports game and seen the momentum shift. One team was playing lethargically and without enthusiasm, but suddenly, something happened…a great defensive play, a dunk, an interception, or three-point play…and the energy level shifted and exploded.
And now the team is playing with a new strength and purpose, a new energy and confidence. They could beat anybody. They couldn’t be stopped. They were suddenly on fire!
What happened? Did they call a time-out and, hiding in the huddle, all drink 5-Hour Energy steroid concoctions? Did they sneak Superman into the game with no one noticing?
No, but something happened. The team was different…and not just emotionally or psychologically; they were physically different: stronger, faster, quicker, jumping higher, and now suddenly tireless.
They had not added any physical element from the outside, but a new physical element was absolutely operating inside.
It’s like this when we shift from operating in our power to the power of the Holy Spirit within us. We don’t ingest a magic potion. We don’t change physically, yet…oh yes we do. We absolutely do. Our energy, our creativity, our clarity all expand to new levels.
You can have it. Jesus promised you…no, he guaranteed you could. Jesus, together with all the writers of the New Testament, seemed to assume that you would be living as they were—that is, with a new power, a new life, a new you.
Francis Chan talked about having the world’s strongest man in his congregation. The man could bench press over a 1000 pounds, and his wife could bench press over 400! “How crazy would it be,” Chan said with a chuckle, “if this huge and brawny, powered-up couple had scrawny little weak kids?”
Yet, this is us. If we are born again, we have a Heavenly Father, El Shaddai! He is God Almighty who is capable of creating universes with a word. We have a Savior who can heal lifetime illnesses and send evil demons shrieking in terror with a nod. And we have a Holy Spirit indwelling us who makes all of this happen. And we’re muddling along with these weak, scrawny, C-minus lives?
We go to church, get our bulletins, sing a few hymns, hear a “talk,” and then…it’s back to our busy and burdened lives.
No more. Today, I challenge you to call on this power inside you. Let today be the first day of the rest of your A-plus life, filled to the point of overflowing with Holy Spirit power: energy, creativity, and clarity.
“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” By this [Jesus] meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. John 7:38
Of course, we’re not tapping into this power for our use and our glory. We are seeking to live the life Jesus wants for us, promised to us, and died for us to have.
You can have it. Born-again children of God already have the Holy Spirit inside. From this day forward, call on his power!