The Four Soils: Part 1
October 16, 2024
Judging: “In the same way”
October 30, 2024
When I read Jesus’ parable about the four soils in Matthew 13, I see four very distinct descriptions of the men and women I have encountered over the past twenty years of 721 Ministries.
Last week, we examined the first two soils. Today, we will examine the last two. Recall that the first soil is those outside Christianity looking in, and what they observe is not pretty. They see the second soil of Churchians, those who follow church but not Christ, and they see nothing that would draw them closer to Jesus.
They also see today’s third soil, and they see people who call themselves Christians, but now look like everyone else. There is nothing that distinguishes them from the busy and distracted culture all around, and their lukewarm nature is particularly unattractive.
3rd Soil
22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.
The great debate is whether or not these people are saved. I think it can apply to both.
We call these folks “The Lukewarm / Distracted / Busy” people. Here are more actual statements I have heard, and again, my not-so-kind titles for each:
Mr Blender: “I’m okay, you’re okay. Let’s all be normal.”
Mr Practical: “There’s no need to be a religious fanatic.”
Mr Drifter: “I’m not where I was with the Lord, but I’ll do better …later … when …”
Mr Always Saved: “I was saved when Jesus died on the cross.”
If they are saved, they have drifted so badly they are not just ineffectual for the Kingdom, they are misrepresenting what it looks like to be a true follower of Jesus.
4th Soil
23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
Finally, we get to Jesus’ description of those about whom he is most pleased and most proud. These are ordinary Christians but living not-so-ordinary lives. They are making a difference in the lives of those around them, and they are wonderful representatives of what a follower of Jesus looks like—not perfect, but in pursuit of perfection.
They are living the A+ Life to the Full Jesus wants for them. Here are our descriptions and now our kind titles:
Mr Pursuit: “I will do whatever it takes to go deeper.”
Mr Holy Spirit Power: “Energy – Clarity – Creativity”
Mr Different: “Changed & Grateful” = Transformed
Mr Sinner: “Lord, have mercy on me. I am the sinner!”
You, reading this now, are one of these four. Take a moment to ponder this and be objective. You do not want to be soil #2 or #3 because you are such a poor representative of Jesus. Rest assured, people are watching and taking note.
The soil #2’s are watching the soil #3’s and saying, “I look just like them, so I must be okay.” The soil #1’s are watching both #2 and #3 and walking away from Jesus. And our children are doing the same.
May you yearn for and strive to live in the rich and fruitful soil #4, being a wonderful ambassador for Jesus, bearing much fruit, fruit that will last. (John 15:5)
If you want a little more:
There are those who think this parable is about Christians, real Christians, all saved, and I must respect that idea. They could certainly be right. If so, Jesus meant for these four soils to represent his followers in the way we wax and wane in our relationship with him.
I can see myself in all three on any given day, and perhaps even in the same day:
Soil #1: I spend time in the Scriptures in the morning but do not remember anything I read. It had no impact on my day.
Soil #2: I read the Scriptures in my morning devotional time and felt moved and emotional by what I read, but within minutes of starting my day I lost my enthusiasm due to the challenges of the day.
Soil #3: I am so distracted and busy and discombobulated that I do not live out one ounce of Jesus’ teachings, and thus I produce zero fruit for him that day.