What Defines You?… Your Résumé?
March 11, 2015
Staying Alive
April 8, 2015This week with the men’s groups we did some mock introductions and I think you’ll find the results interesting. I first had Calvin introduce George, whom he only knows casually. Calvin wasn’t expecting it and stiffened up a bit, and struggled to introduce George with what little he knows about him: “CPA – Married – Comes to 721 – Really good guy – Children? Uh, not sure.”
But then I had Calvin introduce his lifelong buddy, Jimmy. His countenance changed immediately and completely. Suddenly he was relaxed, a smile spread across his face and he began to chuckle as he started telling stories about their growing up together.
You know exactly what I’m talking about. It can be awkward if you have to unexpectantly introduce someone you don’t know well. You stumble through whatever information you know about them. But if you are introducing an old friend, especially someone you love and with whom you share great joy, it’s fun to introduce them.
You’ll tell stories about your life experiences together: fun stories about laughing together; perhaps a sad story about a sad time together; a poignant story or two about when he was there for you, when you had to lean on her, and together you made it through.
Do you notice the common word: “together?”
When introducing a dear friend we’re loose, enthusiastic, and full of joy; when introducing an acquaintance we are not. The difference is an information transfer versus a sharing of rich experiences.
And think about this: what if when you were growing up you did something stupid, really bad, but your best friend got caught instead of you. Imagine he had not done a thing wrong, but he still kept silent, never exposing you, and took your blame. What if he took a beating for you, or faced shame in the community because of you? You’d tell that story when you introduced him, wouldn’t you?
So, how would you introduce Jesus to someone? Would you stiffen up, and stumble through a formal information transfer? “Uh, this is Jesus. He’s the Son of God. He was born of a virgin. He did a lot of miracles, and eventually was brutally crucified on a Roman cross. They say he rose from the dead.”
Or would you have lots and lots of stories to tell: fun stories about times you laughed together, and stories about when you cried together? Would you have lots of details to share about all the time you’ve spent together? Hopefully you would be relaxed and confident, and overflowing with joy and laughter as you talk about your … best friend, Jesus.
We can tell a lot about relationships by the way we introduce people. And you can tell a lot about your relationship – or lack thereof – by the way you talk about Jesus. If you don’t have any stories and experiences together to share, it would be worthwhile to examine why. You either don’t know Jesus, or you don’t share your life with him.
Many of you are very comfortable talking about God, but your voice lowers a bit when you mention Jesus, especially in public. A well-known politician tried to say “Jesus” in the 2008 presidential primaries and almost choked on the word. Do you?
And when Jesus introduces you, will he list times you were ashamed of him, perhaps times when you were embarrassed to say his name, preferring to talk about God, but not Jesus? Will there be a host of instances when you lowered your voice in a restaurant or cocktail party when you mentioned his name?
When Jesus says, “If anyone is ashamed of me and my words …the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory …,” he is talking about a Judgment Day introduction before God Almighty. Your introduction. (Mark 8:38)