Wedding Wishes from a Dad
February 21, 2019
Thorn in Your Side? (Part 1)
March 6, 2019Hi my name is Naaman. You probably don’t know me but you can read my story in 2 Kings Chapter 5. And you should read it because it’s the story of a very prideful man (is there any other kind?) who had to be humbled in order to see God for who He is. Before the events of this story unfolded, I couldn’t see God, because all I could see was … me.
I learned that day that until I can see me for who I am –a man in desperate need of a Savior – I would never see God for who He is: The true King.
I was very successful: a warrior general and right-hand man to the king of Aram. Everybody loved and respected me because of all I had accomplished. And this is where I based my security: I was large and in charge, sitting high atop the throne of my life. I was in control of everything and everyone around me – or so I thought.
But you see I had this skin issue. Okay, it was leprosy, but I had hidden it from everyone because, well, it should be obvious why: Someone like me doesn’t show weakness – ever. But as it got worse my Hebrew servant girl told me about this famous prophet in Israel who could cure me. I was doubtful, but I couldn’t control this skin problem, and I had always been in control, so I set out for Israel.
I arrived in style at the pitiful hovel of a house in which this little prophet Elisha lived. I might have had to humble myself to even go see him, but you better believe I arrived in style. Chariots, horsemen, silver and gold. I would pay this little prophet well for his service.
I don’t accept free help from anyone, don’t you see? Grace is for weaklings. I have earned my way all my life. But, now get this, that little pipsqueak prophet didn’t even come out to bow down to me … uh, I mean greet me. He sent a servant out to tell me – that’s right – tell me to go dip in the Jordan River … seven times!
This flew all over me and I turned and left in a rage. I growled to my servant, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand13 over the spot and cure me of my leprosy.”
I wanted a ceremony. I wanted to be treated with the respect I deserve. The respect I have earned. After grumbling and throwing my little tantrum, my chief servant pointed out my true stumbling block: “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it?”
There it was: my pride. I couldn’t see God because all I could see was me. My security was in my status, my accomplishments. Maybe yours is, too. Or maybe your security is in some thing or someone else. The details matter little; as long as you find your security in anything other than God, you will have no true security at all. None.
There is no true security in anyone or anything other than God, as your Heavenly Father.
I had to humble myself, yield to this little prophet, and dip seven times. With each return into those muddy waters: one, two, three, four … seven … inglorious times, grace was growing and my insecure security was flowing away with the river.
My pride had to surrender to God’s grace. I couldn’t earn this one. And my security had to be transferred from me to Him. Are you clinging to some false god for your security? Perhaps if you examined your life you’d see your security is based on your accomplishments, or your job, or someone you love. Or even their accomplishments?
Will you humble yourself, surrender and dip seven times to be free? Will you surrender and dip seven times to find the only true security there is?
Note to all who read Oswald Chambers daily devotion “My Utmost for His Highest:” We have put together a podcast of 3 minute summaries of each daily devotion.
If you go to “Understanding Oswald” in Podcasts, you can sign up for it.
It is also on our www.721ministries.org website.