You are the Man! A Mini-Series on Chaos and You
October 1, 2020
Release & Restore … You
October 15, 2020These teachings are now available in 30 minute videos at our YouTube channel at 721ministries.org.
This chaos in our country is the perfect scenario for Satan to advance his strategy to destroy the “Life to the full” Jesus promised you could have. It is his breeding ground to distract you from “The life that is truly life” Jesus died for you to have. And if you allow the chaos in our country to become the discouraging chaos in your soul, Satan is winning and laughing.
Do not let him.
Jesus offers simpler answers:
- “What is that to you? You must follow me.”
- “Who do you say I am?”
- “You are the man!”
For the past three Putting Greens we have been seeking to divert our focus from the externals of our world to the internals of our souls. The externals of this world are like the shifting sands of the temporal, here today – shifting tomorrow, but your internal soul is eternal. This is so important I want to summarize all this with a fourth Putting Green.
To frame our perspective, let us return to our original questions:
Is the United States eternal?
Are the Democrats and the Republicans eternal?
Is China eternal?
Is this pandemic eternal?
Is the media – the stock market – the upcoming election – Trump Biden – Antifa – riots – economic collapse … eternal?
But most pertinent: Are you?
The answers: All no’s and the last a big yes.
Why the 3 You’s? Because it always comes down to you – and your life with Jesus. Not your pastor, your spouse, your favorite Bible teacher, your Sunday School class friends. You.
I am going to make a broad, sweeping declaration which I am wont to do: If we focused on these 3 You’s whenever we are wobbling and worrying, our lives would be enlightened with a light and a life-giving clarity.
Amidst all the chaos in our country – and perhaps in your personal life as well – Jesus is saying to you and to me:
- “You do not need to worry about all this chaos, nor the election, nor those people who offend and frighten you. Keep your focus on me.”
- “When your faith wobbles because your feelings are taking over, just remember, ‘Who do you say I am?’ Because if I am who you say I am, then … Keep your focus on me.”
- And when you are so sure that whatever problem you have is about someone else’s actions or behavior, just remember, it is not about them, it is about you, and you and Me, because … You are the man; You are the woman, I care about right now.”
As Peter stated so succinctly:
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Pet. 5:7)
And he does, you know.
I want to leave you with the words of Eugene Peterson’s daughter at his funeral:
The simple secret you taught me, Dad, every day of my life is this:
God loves you.
He is on your side.
He is coming after you.
He is relentless.