King David has just committed adultery with Bathsheba, and then had her husband set up to be killed in battle. The prophet Nathan is sent by God to confront the king. Nathan tells David a story about a powerful man […]
Pentecost was originally a Jewish feast called Shavuot (Hebrew for Weeks). Today, it is both a Jewish and Christian celebration. We call it by its Greek name, Pentecost, (50th Day). The Jews are celebrating the giving of the Torah at […]
Did you know Hebrew is a verb-based language? English is a noun-based language. What does this mean to you and to me? It means every teaching carries with it an expected response – an action. When you read a truth […]
We are back diving into the Gospel of John, as we finish our look at John 1:37-51. There are two principles in this passage dear to my heart: For a disciple of Jesus the simple path is, “Follow me.” For […]