September 9, 2015
My dear friend Dr. Luke tells me he has comprised a second letter to his friend Theophilus, to explain what happened to all of us after Jesus went back to Heaven. But I don’t need his notes; I remember those […]
May 6, 2015
To know and experience your Heavenly Father as the wonderful, loving and lavish Father he is, and for you to know Jesus as your Savior, then more and more the Lord of your life, and then the biggest bonus of […]
April 30, 2015
“So much of the world’s troubles could be avoided if man could just learn to sit a room quietly.” ~Blaise Pascal When I have waited on God’s perfect timing I have known He was directing me. Then, if I encounter […]
April 16, 2015
If you were asked to give a description of a Christian, and I mean by that a disciple of Christ, not a person who goes to a Christian church, what would you say? Notice I said a description, not a […]
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